Like many people, you have spent hours planning how you will ask a question that will change your life. You two have dated for a while and you know that tonight is the night.
You pick her up as usual to go out to dinner. You are going to a restaurant where you went for your first date. It's a "normal" date, she thinks. But, you have already talked with the owner and everyone is ready to help you with a surprise.
Dessert comes and on top of her cheesecake is a ring. She looks at the ring, looks at you and you pop the question. Everyone claps as you wipe off the ring and put it on her finger. The evening ends with you saying goodnight and making plans to have the ring fitted the next day.
In the morning, you pick her up and see that she is panicking. You wonder what happened, but she is crying too hard to tell you. Eventually you figure out that the ring slipped off her finger and went down the drain. A call to a plumber solves the problem since he is able to retrieve the ring. 
But, what if the ending had not been that happy? What if that ring had gone further down the pipe and was lost? How would you replace the ring?
Well, let's back up in the story to when you bought the ring. Before buying an engagement ring, talk with an independent insurance agent. You want to make sure your homeowners insurance will cover the ring. Most homeowners policies will cover a piece of jewelry up to $2,000. So, if the ring is worth more than that, you will want to add an endorsement to your policy. Otherwise, your bank account will see another large withdrawal as you replace the ring.
But, while you want to surprise her, you also need the ring covered in her homeowners policy. Once you give her the ring, the ring is under her homeowners insurance. So, before that night when you give her the ring, take time to have her add an endorsement. That way, if the ring is lost or stolen, insurance can replace it and protect your bank account from buying a second ring.
So, while you are making plans to surprise her and ask the big question, take time to talk with insurance agents and protect your bank account.
We’ll help you plan for that big moment. Call Casey Insurance Group at (405) 373-2977 for more information on Plantation home insurance.
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